My Move To An Artificial Tree
I never thought I would be saying this, but we have officially switched to an artificial tree. The process has been a nightmare. After quite the saga, I have a beautiful, artificial tree in my living room and I couldn’t be happier! I have no idea why, but Christmas has thrown me for a loop this year. Yikes! I seem to be behind on everything, even this post. When mid December rolled around and I still didn’t have a Christmas tree, panic set in.
We have always had a real tree. I considered it a badge of honor. I would never think of having a fake (I now use the term artificial) one. I remember when I would go pick out a tree and have it set up and delivered for free. Those days are long gone. So over the years it has become more of a production to get one home and set up. In the past, I have gotten fairly large trees and each year they seemed to get bigger and bigger. Pictured below is last year’s tree. Over the top is an understatement. I still can’t believe we brought that home strapped to the roof of the car. Now that must have been a sight.
Just for reference my proud husband is 6’4”. Imagine what happened when we removed the netting. I can say, without a doubt, this tree was spectacular. However, it dwarfed everything else in my house. I also had to move the furniture, which left the room a little out of wack. However, as my daughter said the “tree was so “extra” you didn’t notice anything else”.
Millie’s first Christmas
Last year’s tree was pretty, but out of control. Still, I set out on my quest to find the “perfect” ginormous tree again this year. Not an easy task, considering larger trees are getting harder and harder to find and are becoming very costly. When a local nursery wanted $399 for a 12’+ tree, I decided I was out of control. I started to remember that the “perfect” tree included lots of coordination and hassle to even get it in my house. It involved moving furniture, constant watering , vacuuming and worst of all, the application of lights (my least favorite part of Christmas). So it hit me like a lightening bolt! What am I doing! I have been on a quest to simplify my life, so why not simplify this -I was ready for an artificial tree! Little did I know, this switch would be anything but easy.
I did my research and ordered what was marketed as the “World’s Most Realistic Christmas Tree”. Balsam Hill’s trees are beautiful, but are also an investment. I figured if I am making the move to an artificial tree that I would pay a premium for a good one. I ordered my tree on December 3rd. Three days later I received 2 top halves of the tree that I ordered. So the frustration began, but I assumed that such a reputable company would do everything in its power to rectify their mistake. Several days passed-no tree. I won’t bore you with the details, but after several days of back and forth with their customer service dept, not only did I not have a tree, the tree that I originally ordered, which they graciously agreed to take 10% off of was out stock! No offer of substitution was made. By the way, I initiated every correspondence. So as of December 14th I had no tree. Beside myself, tired of arguing with a customer service department that offered no help, I got in my car and headed for the Home Depot. When I arrived, I bought (for less than half the price of the BH tree) a 9ft display tree manufactured by GE, brought it home and set it up myself. (The link above is from Lowe’s. The one that I bought at Home Depot was no longer available this year. This is GE’s version this year that is available at Lowes). I plugged it in and Hark the Herald Angels Sing…I was in the Christmas spirit.
The branches are very realistic
This 9 foot tree (the same size I ordered from BH), at first it seemed a bit dainty compared to what we were use to, but so so much more appropriate for the space. I also don’t have to move the furniture, constantly water, vacuum and I can set it up myself. I could even use this adorable collar I picked up at Target. So in the end, I accomplished my goal. I purchased a beautiful artificial tree that will simplify my life and that we will enjoy for years to come. As I take a deep breath and enjoy my decorated Christmas tree, I realize that none of this is the reason for the season. That whether or not I have the “perfect” tree isn’t really important. Which is a lesson in itself. If the worst thing that I have to worry about today is the fact that the tree that I ordered never came, than I have no worries. I am truly blessed and am reminded once again to stop, not sweat the small stuff, enjoy this special time with friends and family and remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Happy Holidays!